Monday, December 6, 2010

Miraculous happening

I look back upon my life and realize that if it were not for God, I would be dead. On one tragic day, God was protecting me. It’s amazing that something so simple could turn into something so deadly and unexpected. With this in mind I will begin to tell you my miraculous story.

 During one winter day last year, my friends and I were alone in the desert. My friends did not have winter clothes and I too. Therefore, it was very difficult for us to remain warm. It was very cold during this time, so we wanted to start a fire. I thought I knew how to start a fire in the fireplace, but I guess I really did not.It was Impossible for them to give me the right directions because they didn’t know too .I forgot to open the chimney chute, and one of  my friends turned on the gas all the way , causing the gas to leak out. When I lit the match, I was consumed in fire. A strange yet very comfortable feeling rushed over me and the gas and fire retreated back rather than spreading like it should have. I know it was the hand of God that protected me.

So I asked myself if God did not help me and protect me I would be dead by now.

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